Hydes Farming
Hydes Farming is our sheep farming enterprise based around the 'Hydes' pedigree flock of Poll Dorsets.
traffic farming
LEAF Marque Accredited
visits welcome
the way in precision farming
LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) is the leading organisation promoting sustainable agriculture, food and farming. We help farmers produce good food, with care and to high environmental standards, identified in-store by the LEAF Marque logo.
Find out about the LEAF Marque We build public understanding of food and farming in a number of ways. These include Open Farm Sunday and year round farm visits to our national network of LEAF Demonstration Farms.
One of our farming partners.
Great Clerkes Farm Foods is a free-range poultry farm in North Essex. Chickens, guinea fowl, geese, ducks and turkeys are all reared on the farm. Hand reared poultry is available throughout the year
One of our farming partners.
Spains Hall Estate is centred around the large Elizabethan house built in the 1500's. Stay in one of the self-catering cottages, enjoy a days fishing on one of the carp or tench lakes. Subscribe to the large network of farm rides around the estate or spend the day in one of the wildlife hides photographing some of the amazing wildlife that lives on the farm.